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Feed Gator! |
You may have noticed that there are no annoying or ugly advertisements at this website or at my blog. No pop-up pleas for contributions. No annual memberships or renewal notices. Although the internet is a wondrous place with infinite thrills and information, things are not so free on my end. I drive thousands of miles each year gathering more photos. And my van, Gator, is a bit of a gas-guzzler.
Better than a book. Many of you have asked me when I'm going to write a book. After turning down many publishers' offers, I finally gave in and wrote a book about Vintage Signs. But I probably won't be writing another book anytime soon or maybe never. I really enjoy having the ability to constantly update information and provide new photos when things change (restorations, remodelings, etc.). The photos are bigger than any book could provide. And I have unlimited space to write as many historical details as I can find, include links to vintage photos, and move things around to keep things in alphabetical or contextual order. With more than 70,000 photos online and over 2,700 pages, I hope you appreciate the encyclopedic undertaking that I share with you and continue to pound away at, daily. So, if you'd like to help with my travel expenses and the costs of operating this website, I'd very, very much appreciate it. No amount is too small - or too big. It'll bring you good karma, I promise. I won't hit you up for cash anywhere else at this website or through fancy bulk emails. If you like what I'm doing, maybe you might kindly drop some coins in the bucket once every year or two. Maybe think of it as a membership or subscription. The dogs and I are truly grateful for your help. THANKS!! To make a donation, just click on the Donate button at the bottom of this page. That will take you to a PayPal page which is encrypted and safe. Or you can go directly to and use my email address ( which goes to my PayPal account. Or if you don't trust PayPal for some reason, just send me an email and I'll give you my mailing address. Checks, cash, dog toys -- all are welcome! |
For those of you who have been following my travels for a while, you may be wondering what happened to "Sparkle", the white Astro van shown above. I've included a few photos for nostalgia's sake. Sparkle gave us over 14 years of service before her motor died in Florida in 2020. Just the day before that, she has rolled over her 500,000th mile. Of that, more than 400,000 miles were mine.
In the middle of a roadtrip at the time, I was forced to replace her quickly. I went with her larger version, an Express van, with low miles that was only a year old. She's a bit tricky to park and make U-turns. But the dogs and I love the extra space. I hope to have Gator for many, many years to come. |
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Tips & Updates. If you have suggestions about places that I haven't covered, historical info, or updates about places/things that have been remodeled or removed, I'd love to hear from you:
Copyright. All photos at this website are copyrighted and may only be used with my consent. This includes posting them at Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, other websites, personal use, etc.