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Nik competed in dock diving for a few years. He set some records for small dogs, jumping about 15-20 feet on average. His form was terrible since he was never properly trained for the sport but his speed and enthusiasm carried him far out from the dock and made him a real crowd-pleaser. He still holds the record for Rat Terriers which he set with Splash Dogs in 2007. |
Nik was obsessed with retrieving. Any size or style of ball or toy was great. Even a piece of paper would do. [fourth & fifth photos thanks Roseann Burrets-Baars] |
watching for squirrels in the trees from my apartment | looking for trouble | with Gripper | |
Grand Coulee, WA | Little America, WY | Merced, CA | |
Memphis, TN | Pueblo, CO | directed jumping and staying cool in Key West, FL | |
with two of his namesakes |
preferred driving position,
feet on the dash face pressed flat to the windshield |
checking in from the back of the van where he preferred to sleep |
enjoying summer corn Jackson, MI |
bopping my bottle to get me to finish so he could have the empty to play with |
sleeping on his nose | napping on his cooler full of toys | napping in running position |
Red Roof Inn | home |
in our hometown of Ventura, CA | ||
Nik's Agility titles:
NADAC: O-NJC (Superior Novice Jumpers), NAC (Novice Agility Certificate), O-NCC (Outstanding Novice Chances), S-TN-N (Superior Novice Tunnelers), S-TG-N (Superior Novice Touch N Go) Nik's Dock Diving titles:
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