
Missouri Greyhound Bus Stations

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former Pickwick-Greyhound station
Springfield, MO
This Pickwick-Greyhound station was built around 1930 and features glazed terracotta tile details. The building later housed other businesses before it was occupied by the Sunnyland Stage Bus Depot from 1969 until at least mid-1990s. I believe the building has been vacant since at least 2007. [map]

former Greyhound Station
Flat River, MO
The Flat River station, aka, Half-Way Station, looks like it was built in the late 1930s. The building is now barely recognizable and used as a laundromat. The Waverly, TN station features the same design. [map]

Greyhound Building [gone]
St. Louis, MO
The Greyhound Building was a storage and maintenance facility. This photo is from 2010. The building was demolished around 2013.

More Missouri:
New Madrid: 1, 2 [gone]
St. Louis [gone]

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