
New York Greyhound Bus Stations

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former Greyhound Station
Buffalo, NY
The Buffalo station was designed by Arrasmith and built from 1940-1941. The building is faced with white limestone and has terra cotta accents. The interior featured a restaurant and terrazzo floors. Greyhound moved to a different facility in the late 1970s. In 1979, part of the building was used as a police station. In 1985, the building was renovated and became the Alleyway Theatre. The pylon sign tower has been removed. The street depicted in the postcard image above is now a pedestrian mall. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Greyhound Station [gone]
New York, NY
The New York City station was built in 1935 (pre-Arrasmith) across the street from Pennsylvania Station. It was demolished in 1972.

Greyhound Station [gone]
Syracuse, NY
The Syracuse station was designed by Arrasmith and built in 1941. It was faced with Binghamton glazed brick rather than Indiana limestone. The streamline design of this building is much more subdued than its predecessors. The interior featured terrazzo floors and a restaurant with three horseshoe-shaped counters. This station has been demolished. [1940s photo above thanks Lora J. Klein]

Greyhound Station
Binghamton, NY
The Binghamton station was designed by Arrasmith and built in 1938. The building was a departure for Greyhound's design with an imitation stone exterior instead of the blue panels. This station originally had a restaurant with counter service and a baggage room. From 2008-2010, the building was adapted as an intermodal facility. The facade was preserved while the building behind it is completely new. The above photos are from 2010. For more, see this website. [map]

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