
Oregon Greyhound Bus Stations

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Greyhound Station
Corvallis, OR
This Corvallis station appears to be from the 1950s. Around 2020, the station closed and the signs were removed. The building is now housing a State Farm insurance office. For more, see this website. [map]

Greyhound Station
Eugene, OR
This former Eugene Greyhound station was built in 1940. Around 2008, the building was painted gold and brown. It was previously painted white. There was once a large neon "Bus Depot" rooftop sign over the curved corner of the building. Another neon Greyhound sign projected from the building where the plastic sign is now. A smaller Greyhound sign projected from the building above the porthole window on the right. The station closed in 2018. The plastic sign was removed and the windows were boarded up. The building remains vacant. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For more, see this website. [map]

Greyhound station [gone]
Medford, OR


This Medford station was designed by Robert Keeney and built in 1949. In 2008, a new Greyhound station opened which made this building obsolete. The entrance "portal" of the building was saved when the building was demolished in 2012. The paint on the tiles was stripped to the original green color. The letters were also stripped to the original brushed aluminum. The portal was installed in The Commons development area in 2013. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [2006 photos thanks David Grubbs]

Greyhound Building [gone]
Portland, OR
This former Portland Greyhound building was used for storing and servicing buses. It was never a bus station. Several Northwest rail companies started bus lines of their own to compete with Greyhound but ended up being purchased by Greyhound later on. That was probably the case with this building. Traces of the signage reveal the wording "Pacific Greyhound Lines". When these photos were taken in 2008, there were plans to demolish the building for a new power station. It was demolished in 2012.

More Oregon:
Portland: 1, 2 [gone]

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