
Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts (page 2)

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Alamo Plaza
Hotel Courts [gone]
High Springs, FL
The High Springs Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts does not have the Alamo style facade. When this motel joined the chain, they kept their pre-existing buildings and added this sign. This metal stub is all that's left of the neon star that would have been mounted on top. This photo is from 2009. By 2013, the sign had been repainted and it's now known as the Alamo Motel. In 2014, the buildings were demolished and the sign disappeared. For more, see this website.

Alamo Plaza Motel
Savannah, GA
The Savannah location is now operating as the Alamo Plaza Motel. It opened in 1955. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Deluxe Inns & Suites
Beaumont, TX
This location, now known as the Deluxe Inns & Suites, was built in 1938. The round parts at the top of the facades are now missing. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Parliament Resort
Augusta, GA


This Augusta location opened in 1958. The buildings had greatly deteriorated by the 1980s. They were saved from demolition and reopened in 2007 as the Parliament Resort. By 2012, the buildings had been repainted. For more, see this website. [2007 photos thanks Robby Delius] [map]

former Alamo Plaza Hotel Court
Shreveport, LA
This former Alamo Plaza Hotel Court was built in 1947. By 2000, only one of the sections remained. It was housing a pawn shop by then. By 2007, that building's paint and plaster had been stripped to the brick. For more, see these websites: 1, 2, and 3. [map]

former Alamo Plaza Motel
Shreveport, LA
This former Alamo Plaza Motel was built in 1965 and was the last location built. By the 1970s, it was known as the Alamo Inn. Since at least 2000, it has housed a Travelodge. For more, see this website. [map]

El Sueno Motor Court
Claremore, OK
The El Sueno Motor Court was built around 1938. The building design copied the Alamo Plaza Hotel Court. It has been remodeled quite a bit now. It now houses the Adobe Village Apartments. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

More Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts:
Mobile, AL [gone]
Montgomery, AL [gone]
St. Louis, MO [gone] [not part of the Alamo Plaza chain but the same designer]
Gulfport, MS: 1, 2, 3, 4 [gone]
Jackson, MS: 1, 2, 3 [gone]
Raton, NM [copycat building] [gone]
Memphis, TN [gone]
Nashville, TN [gone]

Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts
page 1
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