
South Dakota Art Deco & Streamline Moderne Buildings (page 1)

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Baltic School
Baltic, SD
The Baltic School was built in 1940 with WPA funding. [map]

Armory Auditorium
Brookings, SD
The Armory Auditorium was built in 1937 with WPA funding. The building was constructed with poured concrete. It housed the National Guard until 1976. It was used as an event space in recent years. The building has been vacant since 2018. In 2020, plans were announced to demolish the building and construct a hotel behind the preserved facade. For more, see this website. [map]

Pioneer Park Bandshell
Brookings, SD
The Pioneer Park Bandshell was designed by Albert Pugsley and built in 1936 with WPA funding. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. [map]

Clark County Court House
Clark, SD
The Clark County Court House was designed by Hugill & Blatherwick and built in 1934. For more, see this website. [map]

Berg Jewelry & Gifts
Deadwood, SD
Berg Jewelry & Gifts was established in 1998. I don't know when this facade was installed but it appears to be from the 1940s. In 1980, CL's Company Fare restaurant opened here. [map]

Municipal Building
Faith, SD
The Municipal Building was designed by U.L. Freed and built in 1941 as a WPA project. The building originally housed City Hall and the police station. It is now used by a bar and liquor store. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. [map]

City Auditorium
Hill City, SD
The City Auditorium was built in 1938 with WPA funding. The building was built from poured concrete. The wings to the left and right were later additions. The building has housed the Museum at Black Hills Institute since 1979. [map]

Miner County Courthouse
Howard, SD
The Miner County Courthouse was designed by Kings & Dixon and built in 1936. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For more, see this website. [map]

Edmunds County Courthouse
Ipswich, SD
The Edmunds County Courthouse was designed by Roland R. Wilcken and built from 1931-1935. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. [map]

Municipal Building

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