
Indiana Gas Stations (page 2)

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former Economy station
New Albany, IN
This former Economy station was designed by Sullivan & Cozart. It was built in 1929. By 1935, it had been renamed the Direct Oil station. It later housed the Supreme Oil Service, the Hargo Oil Company, the Sears Service station, and Abe's Rental. The building was vacant for many years. It was being restored when these photos were taken in 2010. In 2016, the building began housing the 410 Bakery. It now houses Coffee Crossing. For more, see this website. [map]

former Conoco station
Princeton, IN
This former Conoco station is now occupied by an Enterprise Rent-A-Car office. The station would have originally had a second canopy on the left side. The original green tile on the exterior has either been covered up or removed. However, the green and black tile inside the curved bay is still there. For more examples of these stations, see this page. [map]

former Phillips 66 station
Richmond, IN
This former Phillips 66 station now houses Hoosier Battery. These photos are from 2010. By 2019, the building had been covered with siding. [map]

former station [gone]
South Bend, IN
This former station had been vacant for many years. It had been demolished by 2022.

former station
Terre Haute, IN
This former station was built in 1931. It was originally downtown and was saved by a preservation-minded professor at Rose-Hulman University. It was moved, restored, and is now used at the university's athletic fields as a concession stand and bathrooms. [map]

former gas station
Vincennes, IN
This former station was built in 1927. The building has been vacant for many years. [map]

Indiana Misc.
(page 1)
Ice Boxes
Pure Oil

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Tips & Updates. If you have suggestions about places that I haven't covered, historical info, or updates about places/things that have been remodeled or removed, I'd love to hear from you: