
Scottsdale Mid-Century Modern Churches

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Glass and Garden Community Church
Scottsdale, AZ


The Glass and Garden Community Church was designed by E. Logan Campbell and built in 1965. At that time, it was known as the Glass and Garden Drive-in Church and offered outdoor services. The building now houses the Trinity Church. There were speaker poles in the parking lot like a drive-in theatre. This was especially popular with senior citizens and the handicapped. Although the speaker poles are gone, the church still offers drive-in services. The building features four-inch-thick concrete walls and a 140 foot diameter dome. Just before these photos were taken in 2012, the church was repainted, covering up the green stone aggregate and the unpainted concrete trim. In 2016, the building was repainted white again. The "Jesus Saves" sign is located around the back of the church. I don't know how old it is or where it came from. It could possibly be one of the retro signs created for the Mars Hill Church project in 2014. However, I don't see the "M" tag on the side of the sign unless it was around the other side or removed. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Los Arcos United Methodist Church [gone]
Scottsdale, AZ
The Los Arcos United Methodist Church was built from 1963-1966. It was designed by Cartmell & Rossman. The clamshell roof with 12 arches was made of thin shell concrete. The church became vacant in 1999 and was demolished in 2012 just a few months after these photos were taken. For more, see this website.

St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Scottsdale, AZ
The St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church was built from 1967-1972. It was designed by Wendell Rossman of Cartmell & Rossman. The roof is made of foam and is covered with gunite on the exterior and plaster on the interior. For more, see this website. [map]

First Church of Christ, Scientist
Scottsdale, AZ
The First Church of Christ, Scientist was designed by T.S. Montgomery and built in 1962. [map]

Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Scottsdale, AZ
The Holy Cross Lutheran Church was designed by designed by William D. Knight, Jr. and built in 1961. For more, see this website. [map]

Tucson Churches
Phoenix Churches
Arizona Churches Arizona

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Tips & Updates. If you have suggestions about places that I haven't covered, historical info, or updates about places/things that have been remodeled or removed, I'd love to hear from you: