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Illinois Car Dealerships (page 2) |
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Leach-Wilson Chevrolet-Buick Shelbyville, IL 2010: |
2024: |
The Leach-Wilson Chevrolet-Buick dealership was built around 1935. Behind the dealership, there is a used car lot with three of these Chevrolet "OK" signs. Between 2013 and 2015, most of the building had been covered with Chevrolet's modern silver and blue panels. The brick facade has been painted silver. The OK signs are still there. [map] |
unidentified building Staunton, IL |
This unidentified building looks like it was probably a combination dealership and garage. Does anyone know anything about it? [map] |
Imm & Son Chevrolet Oldsmobile Toluca, IL |
The Imm & Son Chevrolet Oldsmobile dealership was vacant when this photo was taken in 2012. Imm & Son was established in 1915 as a Ford dealership. By 1929, the company was selling Chevrolets. [map] |
Varna Auto Service Varna, IL |
The Varna Auto Service garage apparently sold Chevrolet and Buick automobiles at one time. The building appeared to be long vacant when these photos were taken in 2012. The signs were removed around 2022. [map] |
Packard dealership Winnetka, IL |
This Packard dealership was designed by Puckey & Jenkins and built in 1927. It closed in 1954 and became a Pontiac dealership until 1992. In 1993, the building was adapted for retail use and apartments. [map] |
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