
Hawaii Signs

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Kau Kau
Korner [gone]
Honolulu, HI
Kau Kau Korner was also called the "The Crossroads of the Pacific" as evidenced by this neon sign which indicated how many miles and in which direction it was to the world's big cities. There was a 24-hour drive-in restaurant here called Kau Kau Korner that was replaced by Coco's coffee shop in 1960. Coco's was succeeded by a Hard Rock Café.

More Hawaii:
Manago Hotel (Captain Cook)
Ambassador Hotel (Honolulu)
City Mill (Honolulu)
Club Hubba Hubba (Honolulu) [map]
Fisherman's Wharf (Honolulu) [map]
Leonard's Bakery: 1, 2, 3 (Honolulu) [map]
Like Like Drive Inn (Honolulu) [map]
Lock Doctor (Honolulu) [gone]
McCully Chop Sui (Honolulu) [gone]
Precision Radio (Honolulu)
Saimin Fountain (Honolulu) [map]
Trophy House: 1, 2 (Honolulu) [gone]
Wo Fat Chop Sui (Honolulu) [map]
Jesus Coming Soon (Lahaina) [map]

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