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Illinois Firestone Stores |
(hit "refresh" to get the most recent version of this page; click on photos for larger images)
Arlington Heights [gone] |
Firestone Bloomington, IL |
This Firestone was built in 1973. [map] |
Firestone Carthage, IL |
This Firestone opened in 1947 as Menn's Firestone. The business is now known as Pomp's Tire Service. [map] |
Countryside |
Firestone Decatur, IL |
This Firestone store was built by 1944. There were originally gas pumps and a neon sign. [map] |
Firestone Ottawa, IL |
This Firestone was built in 1946. It has been Jim Boe Service & Firestone since 1961. [map] |
Firestone Springfield, IL |
This Firestone might be from the 1940s or 1950s. [map] |
Firestone Springfield, IL |
This Firestone might be from the 1950s or 1960s. [map] |
Kirby's Firestone Urbana, IL |
Kirby's Firestone was originally known as the Flat Tire Company. The garage was built around 1923. The canopy gas station was added in 1927. It became a Firestone dealer around 1931. The business expanded sometime after 2012, acquiring the former icebox gas station. For more, see this website. [map] |
Tire Stores Main Page | |
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