
Georgia Woolworth Stores

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former Woolworth
Augusta, GA


This former Woolworth was built in 1939 and closed in 1992. In 2009, it was announced that the building would be developed for condos and retail space. However, the building is still boarded up. The entrance is boarded up even further and the terrazzo apron is not currently visible. The photos in the bottom row are of the back entrance to the store. For more, see this website. [map]

former Woolworth?
Macon, GA
From the style of the sign, I'm assuming that this building was a former Woolworth. However, I cannot find any information or vintage photographs to confirm that. The building was constructed in 1927 and may have always housed Silver's 5&10. [map]

former Woolworth
Savannah, GA
This former Woolworth was designed by Levy & Kiley and built from 1959-1961. [map]

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