
California Dinosaurs (page 2)

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Riverside, CA
These Dinosaurs statues are located at the Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center. The Colombian Mammoth, last photo above, is located high on top of a hill nearby. There are other dinosaurs up there which are not shown here. I believe some of these statues were created by Larry Williams. [map]

Santa Monica, CA
These six Dinosaurs are located at the 3rd Street Promenade. These sculptures were created by Claude and Francois LaLanne and installed here in 1989. The topiary sculptures are made from stainless steel and copper. They were designed as fountains with water projecting from their mouths. Only the last two sculptures shown above were operating when these photos were taken in 2013. [map]

Discovery Science Center
Santa Ana, CA
smaller dinosaurs
Argentino, an Argentinosaurus, was installed at the Discovery Science Center in 2006. At 40 feet tall, the dinosaur is life-sized and interactive. A cut-away section provides information about the dinosaur's heart and digestive system. There are also a life-sized T-Rex skeleton named Stan and a few smaller dinosaur statues. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [first two photos thanks Discovery Science Center] [map]

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