
Burger Chef (page 2)

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former Burger Chef
Thornton, CO
This former Burger Chef now houses the El Fogon Mexican restaurant. [map]

former Burger Chef
Ocala, FL
2009: 2020:
This former Burger Chef sign has been adapted for Aunt Fannie's Restaurant. The building, if it is still original, has been drastically remodeled. By 2019, the building was housing Darrell's Diner and the sign had been adapted again. [map]

former Burger Chef
Fort Lauderdale, FL
This former Burger Chef was built in 1967. The building has housed Jack's Old Fashion Hamburger since 1972. [map]

former Burger Chef
Pensacola, FL
former Burger Chef
Merritt Island, FL
This former Burger Chef in Pensacola opened in 1969. The building now houses Kingfisher Craft Sandwiches & More. [map]

This former Burger Chef in Merritt Island was built in 1968. The building has housed Umpa's Diner since at least 2015. [map]

former Burger Chef
St. Petersburg, FL


This former Burger Chef has housed a Fray's Donut House since at least 2007. [map]

former Burger Chef
Jacksonville, FL
This former Burger Chef was built in 1969. The building now houses the Sunrise Caribbean restaurant. The remains of the original rooftop sign were removed in 2021. [map]

More Florida:
Tallahassee [vintage; gone]

former Burger Chef
Hapeville, GA
This former Burger Chef was built in 1969. The building now houses the Crest Package Store. [map]

Schroeder's Drive-in
Danville, IL
former Burger Chef
West Lafayette, IN
Schroeder's Drive-in opened as a Burger Chef in 1960. The name was changed and sign adapted in 1992. The building looks nothing like the original. Schroeder's closed in 2014. In 2023, it was housing Pancho's Mexican Cuisine. The sign has been adapted with non-neon panels. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

This former Burger Chef in West Lafayette is now occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Tire. [map]

More Illinois:
Alton [vintage]

More Indiana:
West Lafayette

former Burger Chef [gone]
Emporia, KS
This Burger Chef building was vacant when this photo was taken in 2010. It was still vacant in 2016. The building was gone by 2018.

former Burger Chef [gone]
Junction City, KS
This former Burger Chef still featured the original lights inside. The building housed Street Rods when these photos were taken in 2010. Around 2012, the building was demolished.

More Kansas:
Lawrence [gone]


former Burger Chef [gone]
Metairie, LA
former Burger Chef
Bogalusa, LA
The former Burger Chef in Metairie was last used as the Fun Arcade. It had the tell-tale roof arch and building style. The building was demolished in 2009 with plans to build a new restaurant on the site. The sign had been long gone.

This former Burger Chef in Bogalusa was built in 1970. The building is currently vacant. [map]

former Burger Chef
Springfield, MA
This former Burger Chef sign had been reworked for Dezi's Jewelry Exchange & Pawn. The building looks nothing like the original. This photo is from 2010. By 2013, the business had closed and the sign was painted white. By 2016, the sign was advertising for the Kwik Pik convenience store. In 2019, the sign was modernized with plastic but still resembled the original Burger Chef style. [map]

former Burger Chef [gone]
Pikesville, MD


The Pikesville Burger Chef was home to the Pikesville Home & Garden Center for many years. In 2005, the vacant building was used for a TV commercial for the Yellow Book phone book. The exterior had been painted and there was a mock-up counter in the interior. By 2007, the building and sign were gone. [2005 photos thanks Spencer Stewart]

former Burger Chef
Baltimore, MD


This former Burger Chef has been home to the Roost since 1974. By 2007, the sign had been artfully repainted with a chicken. By 2022, the Roost had closed and the chicken had been painted over with white paint. The building remains vacant. [map]

More Maryland:

Burger Chef
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Burger Chef
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Burger Chef
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