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former Pure Oil station St. Paul, MN |
This former Pure Oil station now houses EPH Auto Repair. It was built in 1940 and was previously known as the Gratz Pure Oil service station. [map]
former Pure Oil station St. Paul, MN |
This former Pure Oil station now houses All American Auto Service. The addition on the far right (third photo above) is modern. [map]
former Pure Oil station Minneapolis, MN |
This former Pure Oil station was built in 1939. It was renovated in 2002-2003 for Tangletown Gardens, a garden center. [map]
former Pure Oil station Forest Lake, MN |
This former Pure Oil station now houses multiple tenants. These photos are from 2011. By 2015, the building had been remodeled and the original details were gone. For more, see this website. [map]
former Pure Oil station Moose Lake, MN |
This former Pure Oil station was built in 1927. It later became a Union 76 station. The building now houses Moose Lake Oil & Tire Company. There were still pumps when these photos were taken in 2011. But I don't believe they were operational. They were gone by 2018. I believe the business has also closed. [map]
former Pure Oil station Ely, MN |
This former Pure Oil station now houses Your Boat Club, a gas station with snowmobile and boat rentals. The log cabin look was added sometime after 2008. These photos are from 2011. The Pure Oil "P" would have been installed on the side of the chimney originally like the one in Moose Lake above. For more, see this website. [map]
former Pure Oil station Duluth, MN |
This former Pure Oil station has housed Sir Benedict's Tavern on the Lake since 1978. [map]
former Pure Oil station [gone] Clarkfield, MN |
This building appeared to be a former Pure Oil station. It had been vacant for many years. The building was demolished by 2022.
RoadsideArchitecture.com |
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Tips & Updates. If you have suggestions about places that I haven't covered, historical info, or updates about places/things that have been remodeled or removed, I'd love to hear from you: roadarch@outlook.com.