
Wildwood Mid-Century Modern Motels & Hotels (page 3)

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Crusader Oceanfront Family Resort
Wildwood Crest, NJ
The Crusader Oceanfront Family Resort opened in 1968. This motel features a mosaic tiled wall with a knight and shields. For more, see this website. [map]

Tuscany Motor Inn
North Wildwood, NJ
The Tuscany Motor Inn is now the Tuscany Condominium Resort. It appears to be from the 1950s or 1960s. [map]

Ala Moana Motel
Wildwood, NJ
Lampliter Motel
Wildwood Crest, NJ
Mark I Motel
Wildwood Crest, NJ
The Ala Moana Motel sign is probably from the 1960s. It may have had more neon originally. For more, see this website. [map]

The Lampliter Motel opened in 1964. This plastic sign is probably original. The motel is now known as the Lampliter Oceanside Resort. [map]

The Mark I Motel opened in 1957 as the Las Vegas Motel. This photo is from 2007. This sign had been replaced with a plastic one by 2008. That panel has since been covered up with white paint. For more, see this website. [map]

Mango Motel
Wildwood, NJ
The Mango Motel was built in 1955. [map]

Sandpiper Motel
North Wildwood, NJ
Suitcase Motel
North Wildwood, NJ
The Sandpiper Motel was built in 1960. For more, see this website. [map]

The Suitcase Motel was built in 1960. For more, see this website. [map]

Skylark Motel [gone]
Wildwood, NJ
The Skylark Motel opened in 1956. The sign was removed in 2023. It was replaced with a modern, retro-style sign. [map]

Tangiers Motel
Wildwood Crest, NJ
The Tangiers Motel opened in 1958. The A-frame building was originally a coffee shop. It is now used as the motel's office. For more, see these websites: 1, 2, 3 and 4. [map]

Yankee Clipper Motel
Wildwood Crest, NJ
The Yankee Clipper Motel was built in 1966. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Cape Cod Inn Motel
Wildwood, NJ
Pan American Motel
Wildwood, NJ
The Cape Cod Inn Motel was built in 1966. The sign originally revolved. [map]

The Pan American Motel was built in 1963. The plastic and metal Sputnik sign is original and still revolves. It was the first revolving sign in Wildwood. For more, see these websites: 1, 2, and 3. [map]