
Rooster & Chicken Statues (page 3)

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Marysville, WA
Winlock, WA
This Chicken in Marysville is the same type as those in Winlock. It is located in Jennings Park.

These detailed Chickens are scattered around Winlock. I believe they were installed in 2007. Winlock was once considered the Egg Capital of the World and is also home to an Egg statue. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Chicken [gone]
Tifton, GA
Webster, FL
Chicken [gone]
Marysville, OH
These statues are very similar to the Winlock statues described above but appear to be standing in tall grass, hence my nickname "Tall Grass Chickens."

The Chicken in Tifton stood in front of the closed Wishbone Fried Chicken restaurant. It was gone in 2021.

The Chicken in Webster was painted sometime after 2015. It was installed at El Curiosities which sold home decor and many statues. That business has closed but this statue remains. [map]

This Chicken in Marysville was installed in front of Crazy Scotty's Building Supplies. By 2018, the store and the statue were gone.

Crawfordville, FL
2020: 2021:
These Chickens have been installed in front of Lindy's Chicken since at least 2007. [map]

More "Tall Grass" Chickens:
Grand Bend, ON [gone]

Henny Penny Carry Out
McHenry, IL
Wisdom's Cafe
Tumacacori-Carmen, AZ
These "Smooth Chicken" (my name) statues were obviously mass-produced. However, I don't know what company made them or what chain they may have advertised for originally.

This chicken at the Henny Penny Carry Out restaurant was installed by 2008. The restaurant closed in 2019 and the building now houses the McHenry Pet Hospital. This statue remains. [map]

Wisdom's Cafe has two chickens installed in front of their restaurant. One is outfitted with antlers. These statues are from the same mold as the Henny Penny statue. For lack of any known manufacturer or name, I've been calling them "Smooth Chickens." [map]

Carlsbad Boot Camp
Carlsbad, CA
Delaware Chicken Farm
Hollywood, CA
The chicken in Carlsbad is installed on the roof of the Carlsbad Boot Camp. The building previously housed Bobby's Hideaway Cafe, a guitar shop, and a bike shop. According to one source, there was originally an egg farm here. [map]

The chicken in Hollywood is installed on the roof of the Delaware Chicken Farm. It has been there since at least 2008. The statue appears to be the same type as the others in this row. It may have been damaged and remodeled a bit. [map]

More "Smooth Chickens":
Dallas, GA
Kalona, IA [gone]
New Hampton, IA
Preston, IA
New York, NY [map]
North Carolina

Austin, TX
Chicken & Worm
Austin, TX
Puyallup, WA
The first Chicken in Austin shown above was produced by Faith Schexnayder of Flat Fork Studios. The chicken is made of foam and covered with fiberglass. The sculpture has been restored twice. Faith created "Ethel", a mother hen, around 1998. She wanted the chicken to have a "don't mess with my chicks" look for the yard in which her young daughter plays. This photo is from 2008. Around 2013, the Chicken was painted black and white. The statue has been repainted in bright colors and moved closer to the road. For more, see this website. [photo thanks Faith Schexnayder] [map]

The Chicken & Worm in Austin was installed at Roadhouse Relics around 2015. It appears to be made of foam. [map]

The Chicken in Puyallup is located at the Washington State Fair. I believe this might be an altered Chicken Delight statue. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2.

More Chicken Delight Statues:
Irvine, CA [gone]
Almont, MI
Milwaukee, WI [map]
Milwaukee, WI [gone]

Miami, FL
Miami, FL
The first Chicken in Miami shown above has been located in front of Pizza Cubana since at least 2007. [map]

The three other Chickens in Miami shown above are installed at Gallitos Cafe & Grill. [map]

Miami, FL
Miami, FL
Miami, FL
Miami, FL
The Chicken in the first photo shown above is installed in front of the La Carreta Restaurant. [map]

The Chicken in the second photo shown above is installed in front of a RACE Rent-a-Center. It has been there since at least 2013. [map]

The Chickens in the third photo shown above are installed in front of the Little Havana Visitors Center. [map]

The Chickens in the fourth and fifth photos shown above are installed in front of the El Pub Restaurant. [map]

All of the Chickens in the row of photos above are located in Little Havana on "Calle Ocho", SW 8th St. There are others there which I haven't shot.

Jacksonville, FL
Fort Myers, FL
This Chicken in Jacksonville was created by Lana Shuttleworth in 2010. The eight-foot-tall sculpture is made from 200 orange safety cones. It was originally displayed at a museum in Pasadena, CA. It was moved into storage in 2011 in Los Angeles. Shuttleworth returned to her hometown of Jacksonville in 2014. In 2016, the Chicken was installed in Hemming Park downtown. In 2017, the Chicken was moved to Shuttleworth's home where it is visible from the street. [map]

These Roosters in Fort Myers are set back from the road and installed in front of John Domanski's house. The statue on the left is 7 feet tall. It was sculpted by Domanski in 2002 with leftover building materials. He named it "Clyde" after one of his own roosters. The small object to the left of the statue is an ear of corn. The statue on the right appears to represent the Foghorn Leghorn cartoon character. It was probably also created by Domanski. The broken piece in the statue's right hand might have been Henery Hawk, a chickenhawk. There is also bear cub statue on Domanski's property. All three statues have been there since at least 2008. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

North Hills, CA
Petaluma, CA
Chicken [gone]
Bothell, WA
The Chicken in North Hills is installed on the roof of La Tapachulteca poultry market. It has been there since at least 2007. [map]

The Chickens in Petaluma were installed in front of Pete's Henny Penny restaurant around 2013. [map]

The Chicken in Bothell is installed in front of the Country Village Shopping Center. The statue is about 15 feet tall and stands over an egg. It was built by Rod Loveless in 2005 from styrofoam blocks. The blocks came from furniture packing materials when the business opened. Loveless glued them together, carved them into the chicken shape, and covered the sculpture with fiberglass. The statue was still there in 2018 but gone by 2019.

Cloverleaf [gone]
Ardmore, OK
Squawk N Skoot
El Reno, OK
This Chicken Head was located at the Cloverleaf store. It was not known where it came from. The store closed in 2018 and everything was sold off.

The Squawk N Skoot restaurant features this chicken on the side of the building. [map]

Roosters & Chickens
page 1
Roosters & Chickens
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Roosters & Chickens
page 4
"Classic" Roosters Turkeys Geese, Ducks,
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