
Kansas City Mid-Century Modern Churches (page 2)

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Broadview Christian Church
Kansas City, MO
The Broadview Christian Church was built in 1959. The tower was added in 1970. The building now houses the New Vision Christian Church. For more, see this website. [map]

Harmony Vineyard Church
Kansas City, MO
The gabled building with stained glass at the Harmony Vineyard Church was built in 1963 as the First Assembly of God North. It was designed by Kenneth McCall and Clarence Watson. The larger sanctuary was built in 1974 by Frank Wallace, most famous for his buildings at Oral Roberts University. The church has been known as Harmony Vineyard since around 2004. [map]

Community Christian Church
Kansas City, MO
The Community Christian Church was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and built in 1942. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]