
California Gas Stations (page 1)

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Barnsdall-Rio Grande station
Goleta, CA
This former Barnsdall-Rio Grande station was built in 1929. The 40-foot-tall tower functioned as a water tower, providing pressurized water to the station. The station won many awards and was a showcase for the Rio Grande Oil Company which had oil fields nearby. This station is located on a bypassed section of old Highway 101. I believe the station has been vacant since it closed in 1950. The building is a protected landmark. For more, see this website. [map]

Chevron station
Los Angeles, CA
This Chevron station was built in 1938 as a Standard Oil station. The service bays on the left now house Anthony's Flower Mart. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

former station
Los Angeles, CA
This former station housed Tom's Auto Body in the late 1970s. The building has housed Lala's Argentine Grill since at least 2007. For more, see this website. [map]

Chevron station
Berkeley, CA
This Chevron station looks like it was probably built in the 1920s or 1930s. [map]

former station
Berkeley, CA
This former station now houses Peter's Automotive Service. [map]

former station
Berkeley, CA
This former station now houses Henry's Service. [map]

former station
Berkeley, CA
This former station was designed by Henry F. Gede, Jr. and built from 1932-1933. The building has housed Virginia Cleaners since 1982. [map]

former station [gone]
Berkeley, CA
This former station was designed by Walter H. Ratcliff, Jr. and built in 1930. The station was originally operated by the Richfield Oil Company. The surrounding buildings on the lot appear to have been service bays. The property was last used as a parking lot for University of California at Berkeley shuttle buses. The buildings were demolished in 2021 to build new student housing.

Carmel Highlands Station
Carmel, CA
The Carmel Highlands Station was most likely built in the mid-1930s when the Coast Highway was completed. It is still operating as a gas station. The building next door is used as a convenience store. It may have been used as a service garage or restaurant. Does anyone know more about these buildings? [map]

CA Misc.
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CA Misc.
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CA Misc.
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CA Misc.
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CA Misc.
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CA Misc.
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CA Flying A
CA Orbit
CA Phillips 66
CA Richfield
CA Texaco
CA Wilshire

Gas Stations Main Page  
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Tips & Updates. If you have suggestions about places that I haven't covered, historical info, or updates about places/things that have been remodeled or removed, I'd love to hear from you: